Monday, August 31, 2009

Pangea meets her new cousin!

Ryan's hanai brother Kani and his girlfriend Brandi had their baby this past week! Its Kani's first baby and Brandi's fourth :) (She has twin girls that are 10 and SO EXCITED to have the two little babies around!) They are our best friends and it is sooo special for us to have daughters that will be growing up together. We are all VERY excited!

Cuz Love

This is the start of a very long friendship!
(Pangea doesn't like being told what to do I guess)

Looks like they might be making a heart shape

She is ginormus compared to the new little one :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Play time with Pangea

After rolling around on the floor for a little bit, Pangea takes a break and has some fun laying on her stomach

Sitting up

Look at me in my new chair!I am learning how to sit up by myself!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Grandma's blanket

Pangea and I, each with our hand-made blankets from Grandma Villwock, snuggling on a cold Saturday morning

Pangea watching the Raider's pre-season game with her Daddy

Two sides to Pangea waking up

Early (early!!) in the morning Pangea is the happiest she is all day I think. Its really cute

But then we have a slightly grumpier baby waking up from an afternoon nap (which is also very cute we think ;)

Swimming w/ Daddy

This video is from when Ryan took the girls to the extremely beautiful pool (over $300,000!) where he works. Unfortunately Pangea fell asleep on the ride over there so at first she wasn't too pleased with going into the water right away. But it appears that in the end she had fun swimming with her dad and sister :)

Sleeping Beauty

The many faces pf Pangea:

Hai-yah!/I kick yo' face!

To drool or not to drool..

Too drool for school




Not mad, just dissapointed...

Why can't we all just get along?



One more hour, please Pangea?

Pre-photo shoot

Pangea going hollywood again....

"Can we get this shoot going? I'm not getting any younger! Isn't someone supposed to be powdering my butt?? Waaaaah!!!! Wwwaaaaayyyyyyhhhh!!!!"

Surfin' USA!

Pangea and Lilikoi enjoy their visit to Daddy's work.

Baby built to shred!


For real-isn't someone going to powder my butt?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Party time!

On my way to a BBQ wearing my black hoodie

Thanks Mom for making me so cute! I love you!!!

I still don't know how to grab my toys!

This is what happens when I try to hold on to my toy, I am still learning!

Aw, cute little framed smile :)

Don't just sit there taking pictures! Help me Mama!

Daddy's shoulders!

I can sit on Daddy's shoulders now! We are both happy about that!

Showing a little bit of our living room

Playtime with Daddy!

Sleepy time with Momma

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The REAL Pangea Poe!

Don't let all these cute pictures we put up fool you-this is the Pangea we usually get the privledge of hanging out with


Daddy made my shirt!!

What, what?
